
I have decided to start this website and blog to track my quilts and my life.

I love designing and making these objects that have so much cultural importance. The act of making rather than purchasing an object is a precious thing. I’m located in the United States, and too often our capitalism has ripped this preciousness away from us. I’m hoping to show everyone the power of making – it is therapy, it is comforting, and it is a force for both individual expression and community engagement.

Of course I’m going to write posts about my quilts, the process and the product, but I also hope to write about what quilts and quilting mean to me and other parts of my life as well. I hope to connect with the quilting community in a meaningful way and anyone else who stumbles across this website. Feel free and indeed welcome to comment anything you’d like. This website is an expression and a documentation for me but I hope it will become more for the community as well.
